
lxc-ls --fancy-format is case sensitivie:

$ lxc-ls --fancy --fancy-format name,state,ipv4,autostart
NAME          STATE    IPV4        AUTOSTART

According to the above headers the suspected format is uppercase (I thin).

lxc-info --state-is is also case sensitive for lowercase chars.

$ lxc-info -n tc -t RUNNING

I suggest using the same behaviour, or the best would be case insensitivity. Is 
it possible?


ps.: BTW, lxc-info(1) doesn't contain the long switches:

        -n name
               The container name.

        [-s]   Just print the container's state.

        [-p]   Just print the container's pid.

        [-t state]
               Check whether the container is in the provided state.

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