Hey Michael,

tried this out on a saucy vm, and it looked good until it died with

>receiving incremental file list
>sent 47 bytes  received 33329 bytes  9536.00 bytes/sec
>total size is 32472  speedup is 0.97
>warning: fedora-release-19-2.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key 
>ID fb4b18e6: NOKEY
>Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
>Updating / installing...
>   1:fedora-release-19-2              ################################# [100%]
>Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
>Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: fedora/19/x86_64. Please 
>verify its path and try again
>mount: mount point proc does not exist
>chroot: failed to run command ‘yum’: No such file or directory
>Build of Installation RTE failed.  Temp directory
>not removed so it can be investigated.
>Fedora Run Time Environment setup failed
>Failed to download 'fedora base'
>failed to install fedora
>lxc-create: container creation template for f1 failed
>lxc-create: Error creating container f1

Looks like unpacking didn't go right?  <shrug>


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