
Thanks I'd seen what you'd done in the Arkose .py code but I didn't know
enough about
pulseaudio to understand it at the time.

> arkose basically runs:
> pactl load-module module-native-protocol-unix socket=/some/path
> The bind-mounts that socket inside the container and exports
> PULSE_SERVER=/some/path in the container's environment.

Last night I spent several  hours reading various pulseaudio writeups and
ended up experimenting
with using the "tcp" vs "unix" variation the PACTL load-module command:

Just for testing...

In my Container I first made sure PulseAudio module-native-protocol-tcp is
loaded and
limited access to the <host_IP> address

*pactl load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl="<host_IP

then.. logged in via terminal I did the following:

*export PULSE_SERVER=<host IP>:4713*
note:  4713 is the pulseaudio port

then... just used aplay to see if it worked and - This worked Great... and
allows BOTH Host and Container to play sound concurrently...

*aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav*

All of the above was after I'd already created the /dev/snd  device files
using the MKNOD script I'd described in my earlier email/document.

*NOTE:   the good part of using the above was that I had sound playing on
my HOST OS             **   simultaneously with the LXC Container  aplay
doing sound in the container.*

This was VERY simple once I understood the PulseAudio side better.   I used

*pactl load-module module-native-protocol-tcp*
instead of the
*pactl load-module module-native-protocol-unix*

*From what I read (tcp)  was meant to allow sending Sound over a
network/wan which in my longer term use-case with remote desktops to
containers is what I want.*

I'll again try to re-write my previous doc as suggest by Serge into 2
different docs to make this all easier to follow.    The overall sound
setup side should be a lot shorter & simpler.

Brian Mullan
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