
Running lxde-qt as my desktop I ran into a small glitch: The script
startlxde-qt runs:

lxsession -s LXDE-Qt -e LXDE

The -e switch defines name of the desktop environment, and it is stored
into the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP variable.

Now, I'm on Arch, and use stock xdg-scripts. If I run

xdg-open some-file

xdg-open decides, based on XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=LXDE, to hand over some-file
to pcmanfm, but that fails as I haven't got pcmanfm installed (I have

Bottom line: I cannot, for example, open a downloaded pdf-file from my

 This patch on lxde-common fixes it for me:

diff --git a/startlxde-qt.in b/startlxde-qt.in
index 4a56d8d..8b1e7e3 100755
--- a/startlxde-qt.in
+++ b/startlxde-qt.in
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ fi
 export XDG_MENU_PREFIX="lxde-"

 # Start the LXDE session
-exec lxsession -s LXDE-Qt -e LXDE
+exec lxsession -s LXDE-Qt -e LXDE-Qt

So we get XDG_CURRENT_SESSION=LXDE-Qt instead. I hesitate to commit &&
push, though, as I'm not sure it won't break something else. Does anybody
know if this will cause problems?

(Maybe we should decide a name for this brand-new desktop :-) Soonish.
There is a risk if we use LXDE-Qt that 3rd-party tools and apps will begin
to depend on it.)

br. Chr.

br. Chr.
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