Hi list, sysadmins,

Once again, Sourceforge has breached its users' trust:

Quick disclaimer: I've been pushing for us to move off this rotten
platform for a while, both internally and very publicly. This is not
the first time something like this happens and it will not be the
last. I believe using services which have repeatedly abused their
power is completely foolish and will result in bad things happening to
the project itself eventually.

I'd like to start a proper public discussion on moving off the
Sourceforge platform. Please note in advance that if you wish to
remain with SF, I'm not here to stop anybody - however I also believe
this to be a matter of *when* and not *if*. Their declining numbers
and increasingly aggressive monetizing strategies very transparently
display desperation and an impending shut down of the site. Better for
the move to happen now, than be rushed with no advance notice.

We currently host the following on Sourceforge:

* Most LXDE legacy downloads
* Mailing lists
* Some LXDE legacy issue trackers
* Git repositories

The git repositories were fully phased out of Sourceforge to
git.lxde.org a while back (some moved to Github as well but we retain
mirrors on git.lxde). They remain active on SF but can safely all be
shut down.

Downloads should be fairly easy to move to downloads.lxde.org (which
currently redirects, along with download.lxde, to
http://lxde.org/download - in turn dispatching users to various
download methods). I have something basic set up for LXQt, I'll be
happy to help expand that. This is something we can do as of today, no
need to wait for any migration process. If you are handling LXDE
component releases and are interested in this, please contact me

Issue tracking is trickier. I've gotten a lot of push back to stay
with Sourceforge, for whatever reason. Personally I'd like us to fully
move issue tracking to Github, but that's not my call. However, it's
not only the easiest option but also the one most likely to actually
get users to report bugs. We enjoy a steady stream of activity on the
LXQt tracker and a lot of it has to do with how easy it is for users
to report a bug and how easy it is for developers to triage it.
If we do move to Github, I've handled migrations to their tracker
before and I'll once again be happy to take care of it. Anything else
is off my personal radar - if you wish to suggest using a specific
tracker (be it self-hosted or centralized), please be ready to back
this up with willingness to assist in the migration.

Mailing lists are the hardest of the bunch. I'm of the strong belief
we should have our MLs hosted under the @lxde.org domain. However,
migrating users is fairly hard. Setting up mailman properly itself is
no easy task either. On top of that, it would be a good time to do a
review of our mailing lists - which ones we should shut down, which
ones we should keep, and whether we should separate some of them. This
is a discussion all on its own.

Please share your thoughts on the matter.

J. Leclanche

Lxde-list mailing list

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