----- Original Message -----
| From: "Thorsten Glaser" <t...@mirbsd.de>
| To: lynx-dev@nongnu.org
| Cc: "clr geek" <clr.g...@use.startmail.com>
| Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 2:37:51 AM
| Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] help on lynx compilation
| Thomas Dickey dixit:
| >Actually Borland's last freely-available compiler was 5.51, and not long
| You can still get the 5.5 version from their site.

agreed (it's been a while, but I did build a copy of lynx using 5.51 when
I was working on the blatj changes - but blatj can't connect to my current
mail system...)

| >I'd simply remove those older makefiles, but there are probably 2-3
| >people who still use them.
| Last time I built lynx for Win32 I used them.
| OK, that was... a loooong time ago ;)

sometime after 2010 for me (recalling which machine I used for development).

For windows, I'm using each of cygwin, mingw (native and cross), msys2 and 
visual studio.
The installers are built from the last.

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

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