On Sun, 10 Feb 2019 06:40:10 -0500
dic...@his.com wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 01:17:55AM -0500, David Niklas wrote:
> > On Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 18:31:18 -0800
> > Michael Selik <mse...@suplari.com> wrote:  
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I was wondering where the correct place is to report a bug with the
> > > conda-forge lynx recipe (https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/lynx). It
> > > forced a downgrade of Python and broke other packages I had
> > > installed. Luckily, fixed on uninstall, which is a credit to conda.
> > > Any tips on where to report?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -- Mike
> > >  
> > 
> > Hey Mike,
> > The lynx on conda was last updated 1 year and 7 months ago. I'd say
> > that the package is outdated. As for the bug report, I don't see a
> > package maintainer on the site. Unless the person is here and reading
> > your email I doubt that you'd be able to find the person.
> > You might try whatever MLs and forums that the conda folks provide in
> > hopes of getting the package removed, or updated. You might find the
> > person you're looking for over there.
> > Just in case I was not clear, the lynx devs cannot be responsible for
> > package management unless they are a maintainer of that package. Even
> > then, this is not a lynx bug and does not belong here; it belongs on
> > the report facilities of the packaging system or where such a system
> > directs you to for bug reports in packaging.  
> agreed - from the description of the site, I guessed that it's
> rpm-based, but didn't see in a quick check where the source-scripts for
> that might be available.  With a little more checking, all I see is
> python - and those add-on things generally aren't designed to work with
> existing package systems.  Without some way to download the package
> files independently of the conda install, there's no way to do any
> useful analysis though.

After noticing that a lot of the mail we get here is only indirectly
related to lynx (the spamassassin team has the same problem), I decided
to try to alleviate the burden on you (and any other devs), by replying
to as many of them as I'm first to see.
Then you reply anyway...
Not that I'm upset but if I am replying with a correct response why do
you also feel the need to respond?


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