Ian Collier dixit:

>Specifically, when you press the TO_CLIPBOARD key, it first asks
>you whether you want to save the URL of the current document or of
>the current link.  It then runs the command $RL_CLCOPY_CMD with the

Where did you find that? TO_CLIPBOARD isn’t documented anywhere
and we had a ton of people asking for this on IRC.

>executing Lynx.  If you are using an X11 system and have 'xclip'

I guess xsel would also work, which is perhaps more common/known.

You’d use…

export RL_CLCOPY_CMD='xsel -i'

… for the PRIMARY selection (“middle click”), and…

export RL_CLCOPY_CMD='xsel -i -p'

… for the CLIPBOARD (“Ctrl-V” or “Shift-Insert”).

>>On 4/20/20 7:35 PM, Halaasz Saandor via Lynx-dev wrote:

>>>Well, one can assign a key to "TO_CLIPBOARD". I assign "S" to it.

Whose bright idea was to use ^S for it anyway? Hm I guess the
clipboard would be builtin on Windows which wouldn’t use XOFF
either… probably there.

For the archives, you’ll need to add…


… to your /etc/lynx.cfg for this.

15:39⎜«mika:#grml» mira|AO: "mit XFree86® wär’ das nicht passiert" - muhaha
15:48⎜<thkoehler:#grml> also warum machen die xorg Jungs eigentlich alles
kaputt? :)    15:49⎜<novoid:#grml> thkoehler: weil sie als Kinder nie den
gebauten Turm selber umschmeissen durften?      -- ~/.Xmodmap wonders…

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