David Woolley dixit:

> If it is the document character set I'm not sure how one should
> interpret that for variable length codes.


| 4.1 Character and Entity References
| [Definition: A character reference refers to a specific character in
| the ISO/IEC 10646 character set, for example one not directly
| accessible from available input devices.] Character Reference
| [66]    CharRef    ::=    '&#' [0-9]+ ';'
|                           | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';' [582][WFC: Legal Character]

I stand corrected.

Sorry, my mind’s on two different projects right now,
22:20⎜<asarch> The crazy that persists in his craziness becomes a master
22:21⎜<asarch> And the distance between the craziness and geniality is
only measured by the success 18:35⎜<asarch> "Psychotics are consistently
inconsistent. The essence of sanity is to be inconsistently inconsistent

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