Thorsten Glaser wrote in
 |Steffen Nurpmeso dixit:
 ||>> socks5_proxy = &magic_value;
 |Just use that; the file already has a magic value
 |you can use (hostname).

Whereas this is true, i still do not see the problem here really.
lynx uses (PTR)-1 itself, at least in src/tidy_tls.c, and it even
seems to have been written by Thomas Dickey himself!?!
Until absolutely necessary i will not exchange a builtin fixed
constant with some symbol that the linker must resolve
dynamically!  I mean, for nothing???

 |“It is inappropriate to require that a time represented as
 | seconds since the Epoch precisely represent the number of
 | seconds between the referenced time and the Epoch.”
 | -- IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (POSIX) Section B.2.2.2

I would really like to have CLOCK_TAI in the standard, getting rid
of leapsecond noise in calculations.  ('Being all in favour of
keeping UTC aligned with the sun, whatever this means.  However,
it seems we will not see leap seconds for a couple of more years,
if i read that right:

  I believe there will be several years between the the last leap second
  and the next, as there was between December 31, 1998 and December 31,
  2005.  The IERS publishes a long-term prediction of the average
  rotation rate of the Earth, which they update in their Bulletin A each
  week.  The August 6, 2020, issue of Bulletin A contains this line:

       UT1-UTC = -0.2147 - 0.00010 (MJD - 59075) - (UT2-UT1)

  UT2 captures the seasonal change in the length of day, so it can be
  ignored for long-term estimates.  The important number, therefore, is
  -0.00010, which I will call the UT1 slope.

  The June 9, 2016, issue of Bulletin A contains this line:

       UT1-UTC = -0.1734 - 0.00147 (MJD - 57556) - (UT2-UT1)

  Which has UT1 slope equal to -0.00147.  Since then the value of UT1
  slope has increased steadily to its present value.  It is larger now
  than it has been at any time since January 6, 2005, which is the oldest
  issue of Bulletin A that I have been able to locate.  Based on the
  current value of -0.00010 I estimate that the next leap second will be
  on December 31, 2025, an interval of 9 years, which is longer than the
  previous long interval of 7 years.


 --End of <>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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