Wordpress admin works fine with lynx.  I use it all the time.  There are a 
couple of parts that don’t work well but they aren’t needed all that often.


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> On Jan 2, 2023, at 16:00, Tim Chase <lynx....@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
>> dreamhost provides the WordPress tool, but they also just provide
>> regular ftp for uploading.
> Is there something in particular that WordPress offers over your
> current setup?
> It has some nice web-facing tools for administering the site and
> tracking drafts, but it sounds like you already have a process that
> works for you, and if the admin interface doesn't work in Lynx,
> then I'd strongly bias toward a different web solution.
> The `wp-cli` tool is pretty complex and tends to assume a strong
> pre-existing working knowledge of WordPress.  So even if you go
> that route, there's a large learning curve ahead that way.
>> desire a tool, and since WordPress is offered, thought I would ask.
> I don't want to deter you from tackling the adventure since there's
> certainly a lot of *power* with WordPress, and I'm always an advocate
> for learning new skills.  But if they're not directly solving a
> problem you have, and you don't aspire to get into WordPress
> development more full-time (or just to do it because you want to),
> then I'd suggest there are easier ways to the same/similar end
> without sparring with Wordpress.
>> any easy creation tool that is not WordPress then?
> If you want to have templates that apply across the site, using a
> static site generator can make that easier for you.  It allows you
> to type up your posts (whether in raw HTML which it sounds like
> you're comfortable with, or using Markdown which can be a little
> easier for some folks), and then the SSG churns across all those
> input post files and creates an output directory you can upload as
> you're already familiar with.  And most come with a selection of
> templates (plus additional ones you can download) so you can change
> the whole site by just changing templates and telling the SSG to
> regenerate the site.  I've done this more than once (changing
> templates) and it's usually a matter of changing one line of
> configuration to point to the new theme, and then letting it
> regenerate (depending on the number of pages, this is a couple
> seconds or maybe a minute)
> -tim

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