Lennart Jablonka dixit:

> I see we are in agreement that
> <https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/ongoing-text.html>
> is not /invalid/ due to omission of space before /> or due to self-closing

It’s not a valid webpage. It’s an XML document, but not a webpage.

> I read that as: For the recipient of the XML document, <asdf></asdf> and
> <asdf/> are equivalent; the author needs to decide carefully if she is not to

SHOULD is generally read as: do it unless you have _very_ good reasons
not to, i.e. an active decision.

> Wish I had pine to hand :-( I'll give lynx a try, thanks.

Michael Schmitz on nntp://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.ports.68k
a.k.a. {news.gmane.org/nntp}#news.gmane.linux.debian.ports.68k in pine

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