Dixi quod…

>If I use an ul instead, it doesn’t seem to do that, but
>sometimes I get…
><li><a href="…">last entry before adding one from lynx</a></li>
><li><a href="…">newly-added entry</a></li>
>… instead, which is also disturbing.

It also seems to insist to close the ul in my bookmark file
with a /ol.

>I honestly preferred it when lynx kept the bookmark file
>in HTML 3.2-style (without the end tags), even if only

Can we please get that back, at least as an option?

Yes, that makes it not readable as XML. But it makes editing
easier and lynx’ own appending and removal jobs less error-prone.

16:47⎜«mika:#grml» .oO(mira ist einfach gut....)      23:22⎜«mikap:#grml»
mirabilos: und dein bootloader ist geil :)    23:29⎜«mikap:#grml» und ich
finds saugeil dass ich ein bsd zum booten mit grml hab, das muss ich dann
gleich mal auf usb-stick installieren   -- Michael Prokop über MirOS bsd4grml

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