sounds like ubuntu can't find your player in $PATH so it falls back to vlc

have you tried a full path to the player in your lynx.cfg on ubuntu?

On Sun, Mar 31, 2024, 14:24 Klaus-Peter Wegge <> wrote:

> Hi,
> indeed, an entry in $HOME/.mailcap helps:
> audio/mpeg; mpg123 -v %s
> But this definition is not restricted to lynx only.
> At least the text in .lynx.cfg is not correct:
> # The suffix definitions listed here in the default lynx.cfg file are
> # among those established via src/HTInit.c.  You can change any of the
> # defaults by editing that file, or via the global or personal mime.types
> # files at run time.  They will be overridden if you assign them here.
> #
> SUFFIX:.mp3:audio/mpeg
> VIEWER:audio/mpeg:mpg123 -v %s
> ---
> The definition in .lynx.cfg seems to be ignored. It doesn't overwrite
> others as described in the comment.
> May be a hint to $HOME/.mailcap can be also added in .lynx.cfg.
> Many thanks
> Klaus
> On Sun, 31 Mar 2024, Rudy Vener wrote:
> > Check your $HOME/.mailcap file.
> >
> > Rudy
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 05:33:48PM +0200, Klaus-Peter Wegge wrote:
> >> Dear lynx experts,
> >>
> >> I want to play mp3 files with the external text terminal player mpg123.
> >> This does no longer wirk with my change from Debian to Ubuntu.
> >>
> >> I'm using:
> >> lynx 2.9.0dev.10 - Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
> >>
> >> Extract from .lynx.cfg:
> >> # MIME types and viewers!
> >> #
> >> SUFFIX:.mp3:audio/mpeg
> >> VIEWER:audio/mpeg:mpg123 -v %s
> >> ---
> >>
> >> Problem: vlc is started instead of mpg123.
> >> It seems that the mime type definition in .lynx.cfg is ignored or
> >> overwritten. Adding :NON_XWINDOWS or :XWINDOWS at the end of the
> >> viewer definition has no effect.
> >> In best case I'd like to start mpg123 independed from the setting of the
> >> display environment variable.
> >>
> >> I found some discussion on this issue in the lynx-dev mailing list
> archive
> >> end 2018 but no solutiton.
> >>
> >> Any hint is very welcome
> >>
> >> Best, Klaus
> >
> > --
> > Rudy Vener

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