Hi all,
>       ftp://ftp.sylvan.com/pub/lyx/lyx-1.1.4pre2-1.i386.rpm
I have just tried this release.
I'm using the european.kmap and I have found some problems :
        - "\\.{z}" and "\\.{Z}" are displayed as "z" and "Z" respectively,
          the "dot" on top of them is missing (dvi and ps are o.k.)
        - "\\k{a}", "\\k{A}", "\\k{e}", "\\k{E}" - the "cedilla" looks
          quite bad (it's a point, which does not "scale" when I modify
          the Options -> Screen Fonts... -> Font Zoom
          (again dvi and ps are o.k.)
        - "\\l{}" and "\\L{}" - the "dash" is displayed too high
          (again dvi and ps are o.k.)
Best regards,

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