
As many of you may have already experienced, the LyX mailing lists were down
for two weeks.

This was due to a hardware accident of our mail-list server. We have
unfortunately lost not only the data but also their backups. The mailing lists
are alive, but you need to manually re-subscribe to them since the subscribers
database is gone. 

For your convenience we prepared a short summary of the most important
subscription addresses (a blank mail is enough):
Users' List - lyx-users-subscr...@lists.lyx.org
Developers' List - lyx-devel-subscr...@lists.lyx.org
Documentation List - lyx-docs-subscr...@lists.lyx.org
Announcement List - lyx-announce-subscr...@lists.lyx.org

Other lists and details can be found at http://www.lyx.org/MailingLists .

You can also look in the list archives in case you are curious about the
messages sent during your unsubscribed period:


We are sorry for the inconvenience. The LyX Team.

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