Le 21/02/2012 00:38, uwesto...@lyx.org a écrit :
support for verbatim: step 2: tex2lyx support

OK, so this is the thing I missed in my previous message, where I complained about missing verbatim support.

+       else if (name == "verbatim") {

Of course eventually, you do not want to do that, but rather find the layout and chack whether it has pass_thru==1. This will avoid further hardcoding for Verbatim and friends later.

+               eat_whitespace(p, os, parent_context, false);
+               os<<  "\n\\begin_layout Verbatim\n";

I was about to complain that you are introducing the only explicit \begin_layout in the code, but I am wrong: you already did it for subfloat :(

Please do not do that, and try to re use the Context stuff. Copy what is done in another place.

+               string const s = p.verbatimEnvironment("verbatim");
+               string::const_iterator it2 = s.begin();
+               for (string::const_iterator it = s.begin(), et = s.end(); it != 
et; ++it) {
+                       if (*it == '\n') {
+                               it2 = it + 1;
+                               // avoid adding an empty paragraph at the end
+                               // if there are 2 consecutive spaces at the end 
ignore it
+                               // because LyX will re-add a \n
+                               if ((it + 1 != et)&&  (it + 2 != et || *it2 != 
+                                       os<<  "\n\\end_layout\n\\begin_layout 

Isn't it what the COntext class is done for?

+               // reset to Standard layout
+               os<<  "\n\\begin_layout Standard\n";

Can't you see something is wrong when you introduce the only occurence of this string in tex2lyx code?

I would really appreciate if you could rewrite this code to adhere to general tex2lyx tools (unless of course there is a reason to do it as you did).


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