The branch, 2.0.x, has been updated.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit 4644a0008e07fa9a6988cfa902e7a155c3b2e514
Author: Julien Rioux <>
Date:   Tue Jun 26 23:15:04 2012 +0200

    Update the lilypond example file.
    - Add a note about HTML.
    - Add a note about using external files.
    - Add a note about using lilypond variables and commands.
    - Some corrections and nitpicks.

diff --git a/lib/examples/lilypond.lyx b/lib/examples/lilypond.lyx
index 0a1c37f..737af00 100644
--- a/lib/examples/lilypond.lyx
+++ b/lib/examples/lilypond.lyx
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ lilypond
 \language_package default
 \inputencoding auto
 \fontencoding global
-\font_roman default
-\font_sans default
-\font_typewriter default
+\font_roman lmodern
+\font_sans lmss
+\font_typewriter lmtt
 \font_default_family default
 \use_non_tex_fonts false
 \font_sc false
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ lilypond
 \spacing single
 \use_hyperref true
 \pdf_title "LilyPond-book and LyX"
-\pdf_author "Your Name"
+\pdf_author "The LyX Team"
 \pdf_bookmarks true
 \pdf_bookmarksnumbered true
 \pdf_bookmarksopen true
@@ -83,17 +83,7 @@ LilyPond-book and LyX
 \begin_layout Author
-Fake Author
-\begin_inset Note Note
-status open
-\begin_layout Plain Layout
-author of this example file: Julien Rioux
+The LyX Team
 \begin_layout Abstract
@@ -123,7 +113,7 @@ While LilyPond itself supports the display of title, author 
 \begin_layout Standard
-This document describes the use of the Lilypond music notation within LyX
+This document describes the use of the LilyPond music notation within LyX
  documents that use a LaTeX-based layout, thus combining the beauty and
  quality of the typesetting achieved by both LaTeX and LilyPond.
  While a basic understanding of the LilyPond syntax for music notation is
@@ -173,8 +163,8 @@ Settings
  You can use any LaTeX-based LyX layout and use the regular preview and
  export mechanism; LyX will take care of processing the mixed LaTeX/LilyPond
  code through LilyPond-book for you.
- LilyPond-book can also handle DocBook documents but LilyPond-DocBook support
- in LyX is missing at the moment.
+ LilyPond-book can also handle DocBook and HTML documents, but the integration
+ of these document types with LilyPond-book and LyX is missing at the moment.
 \begin_layout Subsection
@@ -296,17 +286,19 @@ includegraphics{\SpecialChar \ldots{}
 \begin_layout Standard
-Thus, the conversion path is as follow: 
+Thus, the conversion process is as follow: 
 \family sans
 LyX\SpecialChar \menuseparator
 LilyPond-book\SpecialChar \menuseparator
 \family default
+ LyX creates a .lytex file, LilyPond-book creates a .tex files and the 
+g image files, and LaTeX creates the final document.
  Every step of the tool chain obeys your spacing, so whether you put the
- musical extract in line, or in its own paragraph, centered, left-aligned,
+ musical extract inline, or in its own paragraph, centered, left-aligned,
  etc., what you see in the LyX window should be respected in the final format.
- An example of in-line use may be to display a chord name, such as
+ An example of inline use may be to display a chord name, such as
 \begin_inset Flex LilyPond
 status open
@@ -572,12 +564,19 @@ score given
+\begin_layout Standard
+Writing the notes directly within braces without using any LilyPond command
+ is convenient when writing short snippets.
+ Advanced users will probably want to enter their musical content using
+ LilyPond variables and commands, which is of course supported.
 \begin_layout Subsubsection
 Fret diagrams
 \begin_layout Standard
-Another gotcha is with subsequent lilypond snippets with 
+Another gotcha is with subsequent LilyPond snippets with 
 \family typewriter
@@ -633,6 +632,44 @@ end{lilypond}
 \begin_layout Standard
 For some reason LilyPond-book version 2.13 barks on this when run in safe
  mode (which you always should use, unless you know what you are doing).
+ This has been corrected as of version 2.15 (was LilyPond issue #1900).
+\begin_layout Subsubsection
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+ command
+\begin_layout Standard
+LilyPond-book supports including LilyPond code that resides in external
+ files with the 
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+ command.
+ With this command, the LilyPond code is processed as if it was typed inside
+ the document and the output score follows the typesetting determined by
+ LaTeX with respect to line width, page breaks, and so on.
+ This is in contrast to the long-standing LyX feature to include LilyPond
+ scores as external material, which calls LilyPond on the external file
+ to produce a rigid figure, and includes this figure in the document, leaving
+ the typesetting decisions to LilyPond.
+ Unfortunately, support for the 
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+ command in LyX is not implemented yet, but it is possible to use it inside
+ a TeX-Code block, provided that one writes the complete, absolute path
+ to the desired file.
 \begin_layout Section
@@ -654,7 +691,7 @@ reference "sub:Editorial-headword"
- shows a complex example using many LilyPond constructs; some scheme code
+ shows a complex score using many LilyPond constructs; some scheme code
  has been removed from the original source of this snippet, to be able to
  run in safe mode.
diff --git a/status.20x b/status.20x
index 68d5f83..c52a15f 100644
--- a/status.20x
+++ b/status.20x
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ What's new
 - Updated Japanese user interface localizations.
+- Updated the lilypond example file.


Summary of changes:
 lib/examples/lilypond.lyx |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 status.20x                |    2 +
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

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