commit b4dcad83b2f6e3fce28b4e04cc1abc8d654f9bfe
Author: Günter Milde <>
Date:   Fri Apr 8 21:34:23 2016 +0200

    New layout for aastex6.cls. Fixes #10027.
    Some more work for new and improved styles optional.

diff --git a/development/autotests/unreliableTests 
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-# (in CTAN and TL 2015-update around march 2016)
-# New layout required, see #10027
+# document class aastex.cls replaced by aastex6.cls (v.1 2016/02/16)
+# in CTAN and TeXLive in march 2016
+# Template and sample use the new version via aastex6.layout (cf. #10027)
+# -> fail if aastex6.cls is missing (TeXLive15 original)
 Sublabel: wrong_output
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+\begin_layout Title
+Collapsed Cores in Globular Clusters,  Gauge-Boson Couplings, and 
AAS\SpecialChar TeX
+ Examples
+\begin_layout Author
+ Djorgovski
+\begin_inset Flex altaffilmark
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ and Ivan R.
+ King
+\begin_inset Flex altaffilmark
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_layout Affiliation
+Astronomy Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
+\begin_layout Author
+ D.
+ Biemesderfer
+\begin_inset Flex altaffilmark
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_layout Affiliation
+National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Tucson, AZ 85719
+\begin_layout Email
+\begin_layout And
+\begin_layout Author
+ J.
+ Hanisch
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+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_layout Affiliation
+Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD 21218
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+Visiting Astronomer, Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.
+ CTIO is operated by AURA, Inc.
+\begin_inset space \space{}
+under contract to the National Science Foundation.
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+\begin_inset Argument 1
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+Society of Fellows, Harvard University.
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+\begin_inset Argument 1
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+present address: Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA
+ 02138
+\begin_layout Altaffilation
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+Visiting Programmer, Space Telescope Science Institute
+\begin_layout Altaffilation
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+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Patron, Alonso's Bar and Grill
+\begin_layout Abstract
+This is a preliminary report on surface photometry of the major fraction
+ of known globular clusters, to see which of them show the signs of a collapsed
+ core.
+ We also explore some diversionary mathematics and recreational tables.
+\begin_layout Keywords
+clusters: globular, peanut—bosons: bozos
+\begin_layout Section
+\begin_layout Standard
+A focal problem today in the dynamics of globular clusters is core collapse.
+ It has been predicted by theory for decades 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, but observation has been less alert to the phenomenon.
+ For many years the central brightness peak in M15 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ seemed a unique anomaly.
+ Then 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ suggested a central peak in NGC 6397, and a limited photographic survey
+ of ours 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+citep[Paper I]{djo84}
+ found three more cases, including NGC 6624, whose sharp center had often
+ been remarked on 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_layout Section
+\begin_layout Standard
+All our observations were short direct exposures with CCD's.
+ At Lick Observatory we used a TI 500
+\begin_inset Formula $\times$
+500 chip and a GEC 575
+\begin_inset Formula $\times$
+385, on the 1-m Nickel reflector.
+ The only filter available at Lick was red.
+ At CTIO we used a GEC 575
+\begin_inset Formula $\times$
+385, with 
+\begin_inset Formula $B,V,$
+ and 
+\begin_inset Formula $R$
+ filters, and an RCA 512
+\begin_inset Formula $\times$
+320, with 
+\begin_inset Formula $U,B,V,R,$
+ and 
+\begin_inset Formula $I$
+ filters, on the 1.5-m reflector.
+ In the CTIO observations we tried to concentrate on the shortest practicable
+ wavelengths; but faintness, reddening, and poor short-wavelength sensitivity
+ often kept us from observing in 
+\begin_inset Formula $U$
+ or even in 
+\begin_inset Formula $B$
+ All four cameras had scales of the order of 0.4 arcsec/pixel, and our field
+ sizes were around 3 arcmin.
+\begin_layout Standard
+The CCD images are unfortunately not always suitable, for very poor clusters
+ or for clusters with large cores.
+ Since the latter are easily studied by other means, we augmented our own
+ CCD profiles by collecting from the literature a number of star-count profiles
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, as well as photoelectric profiles 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ and electronographic profiles 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ In a few cases we judged normality by eye estimates on one of the Sky Surveys.
+\begin_layout Section
+Helicity Amplitudes
+\begin_layout Standard
+It has been realized that helicity amplitudes provide a convenient means
+ for Feynman diagram
+\begin_inset Foot
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Footnotes can be inserted like this.
+ evaluations.
+ These amplitude-level techniques are particularly convenient for calculations
+ involving many Feynman diagrams, where the usual trace techniques for the
+ amplitude squared becomes unwieldy.
+ Our calculations use the helicity techniques developed by other authors
+\begin_inset CommandInset citation
+LatexCommand cite
+key "hag86"
+; we briefly summarize below.
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+LatexCommand label
+name "bozomath"
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+A tree-level amplitude in 
+\begin_inset Formula $e^{+}e^{-}$
+ collisions can be expressed in terms of fermion strings of the form 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+ where 
+\begin_inset Formula $p$
+ and 
+\begin_inset Formula $\sigma$
+ label the initial 
+\begin_inset Formula $e^{\pm}$
+ four-momenta and helicities 
+\begin_inset Formula $(\sigma=\pm1)$
+\begin_inset Formula $\hat{a}_{i}=a_{i}^{\mu}\gamma_{\nu}$
+ and 
+\begin_inset Formula $P_{\tau}=\frac{1}{2}(1+\tau\gamma_{5})$
+ is a chirality projection operator 
+\begin_inset Formula $(\tau=\pm1)$
+ The 
+\begin_inset Formula $a_{i}^{\mu}$
+ may be formed from particle four-momenta, gauge-boson polarization vectors
+ or fermion strings with an uncontracted Lorentz index associated with 
+te fermions.
+\begin_layout NoteToEditor
+Figures 1 and 2 should appear side-by-side in print
+\begin_layout Standard
+In the chiral representation the 
+\begin_inset Formula $\gamma$
+ matrices are expressed in terms of 
+\begin_inset Formula $2\times2$
+ Pauli matrices 
+\begin_inset Formula $\sigma$
+ and the unit matrix 1 as 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\gamma^{\mu} & = & \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+0 & \sigma_{+}^{\mu}\\
+\sigma_{-}^{\mu} & 0
+-1 & 0\\
+0 & 1
+\sigma_{\pm}^{\mu} & = & ({\textbf{1}},\pm\sigma),
+ giving 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+0 & (\hat{a})_{+}\\
+(\hat{a})_{-} & 0
+ The spinors are expressed in terms of two-component Weyl spinors as 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_layout Standard
+The Weyl spinors are given in terms of helicity eigenstates 
+\begin_inset Formula $\chi_{\lambda}(p)$
+ with 
+\begin_inset Formula $\lambda=\pm1$
+ by 
+\begin_layout MathLetters
+\begin_inset Formula 
+u(p,\lambda)_{\pm} & = & (E\pm\lambda|{\textbf{p}}|)^{1/2}\chi_{\lambda}(p),\\
+v(p,\lambda)_{\pm} & = & 
+\begin_layout Section
+Floating material and so forth
+\begin_layout Standard
+Consider a task that computes profile parameters for a modified Lorentzian
+ of the form 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+ where 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_layout Standard
+In these expressions 
+\begin_inset Formula $x_{0}$
+\begin_inset Formula $y_{0}$
+ is the star center, and 
+\begin_inset Formula $\Theta$
+ is the angle with the 
+\begin_inset Formula $x$
+ axis.
+ Results of this task are shown in table
+\begin_inset space ~
+\begin_inset CommandInset ref
+LatexCommand ref
+reference "tbl-2"
+ It is not clear how these sorts of analyses may affect determination of
+\begin_inset Formula $M_{\sun}$
+, but the assumption is that the alternate results should be less than 90°
+ out of phase with previous values.
+ We have no observations of 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ Roughly 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ of the electronically submitted abstracts for AAS meetings are error-free.
+\begin_layout Acknowledgements
+\begin_layout Standard
+We are grateful to V.
+ Barger, T.
+ Han, and R.
+ J.
+ N.
+ Phillips for doing the math in section
+\begin_inset space ~
+\begin_inset CommandInset ref
+LatexCommand ref
+reference "bozomath"
+ More information on the AAS\SpecialChar TeX
+ macros package are available at 
+\begin_inset Flex URL
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ or the 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+AAS ftp site
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_layout Appendix
+\begin_layout Section
+Appendicial material
+\begin_layout Standard
+Consider once again a task that computes profile parameters for a modified
+ Lorentzian of the form 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+ where 
+\begin_layout MathLetters
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_inset Formula 
+x_{1} & = & (x-x_{0})\cos\Theta+(y-y_{0})\sin\Theta\\
+y_{1} & = & -(x-x_{0})\sin\Theta+(y-y_{0})\cos\Theta
+\begin_layout Standard
+For completeness, here is one last equation.
+\begin_inset Formula 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Auri\\`ere(1982)"
+key "aur82"
+Aurière, M.
+ 1982, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 109, 301 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Canizares et al.(1978)"
+key "can78"
+Canizares, C.
+ R., Grindlay, J.
+ E., Hiltner, W.
+ A., Liller, W., and McClintock, J.
+ E.
+ 1978, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 224, 39 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Djorgovski and King(1984)"
+key "djo84"
+Djorgovski, S., and King, I.
+ R.
+ 1984, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 277, L49 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Hagiwara and Zeppenfeld(1986)"
+key "hag86"
+Hagiwara, K., and Zeppenfeld, D.
+ 1986, Nucl.Phys., 274, 1 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Harris and van den Bergh(1984)"
+key "har84"
+Harris, W.
+ E., and van den Bergh, S.
+ 1984, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 89, 1816 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "H\\`enon(1961)"
+key "hen61"
+Hénon, M.
+ 1961, Ann.d'Ap., 24, 369 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "King(1966)"
+key "kin66"
+King, I.
+ R.
+ 1966, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 71, 276 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "King(1975)"
+key "kin75"
+King, I.
+ R.
+ 1975, Dynamics of Stellar Systems, A.
+ Hayli, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1975, 99 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "King et al.(1968)"
+key "kin68"
+King, I.
+ R., Hedemann, E., Hodge, S.
+ M., and White, R.
+ E.
+ 1968, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 73, 456 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Kron et al.(1984)"
+key "kro84"
+Kron, G.
+ E., Hewitt, A.
+ V., and Wasserman, L.
+ H.
+ 1984, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 96, 198 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Lynden-Bell and Wood(1968)"
+key "lyn68"
+Lynden-Bell, D., and Wood, R.
+ 1968, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 138, 495 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Newell and O'Neil(1978)"
+key "new78"
+Newell, E.
+ B., and O'Neil, E.
+ J.
+ 1978, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 37, 27 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Ortolani et al.(1985)"
+key "ort85"
+Ortolani, S., Rosino, L., and Sandage, A.
+ 1985, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 90, 473 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Peterson(1976)"
+key "pet76"
+Peterson, C.
+ J.
+ 1976, 
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+, 81, 617 
+\begin_layout References
+\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
+LatexCommand bibitem
+label "Spitzer(1985)"
+key "spi85"
+Spitzer, L.
+ 1985, Dynamics of Star Clusters, J.
+ Goodman and P.
+ Hut, Dordrecht: Reidel, 109 
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+This is an example of a long figure caption that must be set as a paragraph.
+  The processor has to buffer the text of the caption, so it is good not
+ to be too wordy, but that would make for poor communication as well.
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+ 3.433 
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+Sample footnote for table
+\begin_inset space ~
+\begin_inset CommandInset ref
+LatexCommand ref
+reference "tbl-2"
+ that was generated with the \SpecialChar LaTeX
+ table environment
+\begin_layout Table note
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Yet another sample footnote for table
+\begin_inset space ~
+\begin_inset CommandInset ref
+LatexCommand ref
+reference "tbl-2"
+\begin_layout Table note
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Another sample footnote for table
+\begin_inset space ~
+\begin_inset CommandInset ref
+LatexCommand ref
+reference "tbl-2"
+\begin_layout TableComments
+We can also attach a long-ish paragraph of explanatory material to a table.
+ Use 
+tablerefs to append a list of references.
+ The following references were from a different table: I've patched them
+ in here to show how they look, but don't take them too seriously—I certainly
+ have not.
+\begin_layout TableRefs
+(1) Barbuy, Spite, & Spite 1985; (2) Bond 1980; (3) Carbon et al.
+ 1987; (4) Hobbs & Duncan 1987; (5) Gilroy et al.
+ 1988: (6) Gratton & Ortolani 1986; (7) Gratton & Sneden 1987; (8) Gratton
+ & Sneden (1988); (9) Gratton & Sneden 1991; (10) Kraft et al.
+ 1982; (11) LCL, or Laird, 1990; (12) Leep & Wallerstein 1981; (13) Luck
+ & Bond 1981; (14) Luck & Bond 1985; (15) Magain 1987; (16) Magain 1989;
+ (17) Peterson 1981; (18) Peterson, Kurucz, & Carney 1990; (19) RMB; (20)
+ Schuster & Nissen 1988; (21) Schuster & Nissen 1989b; (22) Spite et al.
+ 1984; (23) Spite & Spite 1986; (24) Hobbs & Thorburn 1991; (25) Hobbs et
+ al.
+ 1991; (26) Olsen 1983.
+\begin_layout Standard
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+% LyX can load deluxetable files verbatim.
+ To see this in action, uncomment the following
+\begin_layout Standard
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+% line (delete the 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+) and copy the file table.tex from the AASTeX 5.0 distribution into
+\begin_layout Standard
+\begin_inset ERT
+status collapsed
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+% the same directory as this file.
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+LatexCommand input
+filename "table"
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+Sample document for contributions to journals of the American Astronomical
+ Society (AAS).
+ Please consult the 
+\begin_inset CommandInset href
+LatexCommand href
+name "AASTeX user guide"
+target "";
+ for details on how to use AASTeX.
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\align left
+An up-to-date sample LaTeX article using AASTeX is available under 
+\begin_inset Flex URL
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_inset Note Note
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\align left
+The AASTeX document class uses a different name since version 6.0 (2016/02/16).
+ Depending on the version installed on your system, set the document class
+ to American Astronomical Society (AASTeX v.
+ 6) or American Astronomical Society (AASTeX v.
+ 5).
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\align left
+New features (cf.
+\begin_inset Flex URL
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+) are only partially supported by LyX (see 
+\begin_inset Flex URL
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
 \begin_layout Title
 Collapsed Cores in Globular Clusters,  Gauge-Boson Couplings, and 
AAS\SpecialChar TeX
@@ -794,6 +883,12 @@ status collapsed
+\begin_layout Software
+IRAF, AIPS, Astropy, ...
 \begin_layout Appendix
@@ -2368,57 +2463,13 @@ tablerefs to append a list of references.
 \begin_layout Standard
-\begin_inset ERT
-status collapsed
-\begin_layout Plain Layout
-% LyX can load deluxetable files verbatim.
- To see this in action, uncomment the following
-\begin_layout Standard
-\begin_inset ERT
-status collapsed
-\begin_layout Plain Layout
-% line (delete the 
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\begin_inset ERT
-status collapsed
-\begin_layout Plain Layout
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
-\begin_inset ERT
-status collapsed
+\begin_inset Note Note
+status open
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-) and copy the file table.tex from the AASTeX 5.0 distribution into
+LyX can load deluxetable files verbatim.
+ To see this in action, dissolve the following Note and copy the file table.tex
+ from the AASTeX 5.0 distribution into the same directory as this file.
@@ -2427,35 +2478,19 @@ status collapsed
 \begin_layout Standard
-\begin_inset ERT
-status collapsed
+\begin_inset Note Note
+status open
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-% the same directory as this file.
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+LatexCommand input
+filename "table"
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-LatexCommand input
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+++ b/lib/layouts/aastex.layout
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
 Astronomical Society (AASTeX)}
 Astronomical Society (AASTeX v. 5)}
 #  \DeclareCategory{Articles}
+# LyX support for the AAS TeX package
 # Author: Mike Ressler <>
 # Author: Uwe Stöhr <>
@@ -35,6 +37,10 @@
 # Version 1.5   26/11/12 - added mandatory argument for \altaffiltext
 # Version 1.6   23/01/15 - fix for the optional argument of \figcaption
+# Note: aastex.cls was replaced by aastex6.cls (v.1 2016/02/16)
+#      in the CTAN and TeXLive "aastex" package in march 2016.
+#      The new "aastex6.layout" depends on aastex6.cls but inputs this
+#       file for the definitions (cf. LyX ticket #10027)
 Format 60
 Columns                        1
diff --git a/lib/layouts/aastex6.layout b/lib/layouts/aastex6.layout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2038df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/layouts/aastex6.layout
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
 Astronomical Society (AASTeX v. 6)}
+#  \DeclareCategory{Articles}
+# LyX support for the AAS TeX package
+# Author: Mike Ressler <>
+# Author: Uwe Stöhr <>
+# Disclaimer: Though I am an astronomer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, this
+# package was prepared on my own time on my own machine. Neither the United
+# States government, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the
+# California Institute of Technology, the American Astronomical Society, nor
+# the Jet Propulsion Laboratory endorse this package - indeed, they probably
+# don't even know of it's existence. Use of this package is covered by the LyX
+# license which is found in the file COPYING in the root directory of the LyX
+# distribution.
+# Version 0.0   5/27/99  - Initial submission, basic LaTeX equivalents
+# Version 0.1   6/04/99  - Most everything in sections 2.1-2.11 of AASTeX guide
+#                          works. References work with some ERT. Regular tables
+#                          (2.14) okay, deluxetable will never be supported.
+#                          Figures (2.13) not even attempted yet. Misc (2.15)
+#                          partially supported, but much will remain ERT.
+#                          Style options (section 3) can be typed into Extra
+#                          Document options.
+#                          Much cleaning of this file needs to be done.
+# Version 1.0   6/09/99  - Implemented remaining commands as well as possible.
+#                          There is little more I can do unless LyX source code
+#                          is changed. (Not by me!) Documentation, template, 
+#                          example files are available.
+# Version 1.1   7/25/99  - Changed \url to take advantage of new layout option.
+# Version 1.2   4/18/02  - Updated for natbib in 1.2.0
+# Version 1.3   5/7/04   - Updated for AASTeX 5.2
+# Version 1.4   26/10/08 - new custom insets for \altaffilmark, \tablenotemark
+#                        - new environments for \altaffiltext and 
+# Version 1.5   26/11/12 - added mandatory argument for \altaffiltext
+# Version 1.6   23/01/15 - fix for the optional argument of \figcaption
+# Version 6.0   31/03/16 - Stub for AASTeX 6.0:
+#                         new layout file aastex6.layout, because
+#                         aastex.cls was renamed to aastex6.cls (2016/02/16)
+#                         (cf. LyX ticket #10027)
+# TODO: - support for new commands (see below)
+#       - aastex6.cls loads hyperref (with pre-set options) and url
+#         -> option clash if "Use Hyerref" is selected in Document>Settings
+Format 60
+Input aastex.layout
+# For new and updated commands, see
+## New commands:
+Style Software
+       CopyStyle       Keywords
+       LatexName       software
+       Margin          Static
+       LeftMargin      M
+       TopSep          0.7
+       LabelType       Above
+       LabelString     "Software:"
+       LabelFont
+         Shape         Italic
+       EndFont
+# other new commands are mainly for the user preamble
+## Updated commands:
+# TODO: dataset should become an inset similar to hyperref:
+#   Use the \dataset command to link to data sets hosted externally
+#   such as the DOI issuing Zenodo repository.
+#      \dataset[text]{url}
+#   Where url is the URL link to the data. The bracketed argument is optional.
+#   When present the given text is used as the displayed hyperlink otherwise
+#   [DATASET] is printed.
+# Fixes for aastex.layout
+# TODO: first/second arg for tablenotetext to replace ERT "}{"
+#       Show "figcaption" label instead of "Senseless!!!"
+# match label to output
+Style Appendix
+       Margin          Static
+#      LeftMargin      ""
+       LabelType       Centered
+       LabelString     "APPENDIX"
+Style TableRefs
+       LabelString     "References—"
+       LabelFont
+         Series        Bold
+       EndFont
+Style TableComments
+       LabelString     "Note—"
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+Template for contributions to journals of the American Astronomical Society
+ (AAS).
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\align left
+Please consult the 
+\begin_inset CommandInset href
+LatexCommand href
+name "AASTeX user guide"
+target "";
+ for details on how to use AASTeX.
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+\align left
+A LyX sample document is available under 
+\family sans
+\family default
+ An up-to-date sample LaTeX article using AASTeX is available under 
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+status open
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+The AASTeX document class uses a different name since version 6.0 (2016/02/16).
+ Depending on the version installed on your system, set the document class
+ to American Astronomical Society (AASTeX v.
+ 6) or American Astronomical Society (AASTeX v.
+ 5).
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+New features (cf.
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+status collapsed
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+Visiting Astronomer, etc.
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+Author, A., 
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+, 109, 301 
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+This is the second figure where the image filename is referenced via a 

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