commit d8ac04354fd0f713114767c8bcaf44566684723f
Author: Kornel Benko <>
Date:   Sat Oct 3 14:44:10 2020 +0200

    Add formats to be used by converting docbook5 -> pdf
    Preparation to test docbook5 exports
    'xhtml_table': Format used for inserting spreadsheet tables in docbook
    'pdf9': Result format used by conversion docbook5 with pandoc to create a 
 lib/ |    7 ++++++-
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 7d996be..ec2fafd 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -712,6 +712,7 @@ def checkFormatEntries(dtl_tools):
       rc_entry = [r'''\Format gnumeric gnumeric "Gnumeric spreadsheet" "" ""   
 "%%"   "document"      "application/x-gnumeric"
 \Format excel      xls    "Excel spreadsheet"      "" "" "%%"    "document"    
 \Format excel2     xlsx   "MS Excel Office Open XML" "" "" "%%" "document"     
+\Format xhtml_table xhtml "XHTML Table (for spreadsheets)"     "" "" "%%"    
"document"        ""
 \Format html_table html   "HTML Table (for spreadsheets)"      "" "" "%%"    
"document"        ""
 \Format oocalc     ods    "OpenDocument spreadsheet" "" "" "%%"    "document"  
@@ -749,7 +750,8 @@ def checkFormatEntries(dtl_tools):
 \Format pdf5       pdf    "PDF (LuaTeX)"          u  "%%"      ""      
"document,vector,menu=export"   ""
 \Format pdf6       pdf    "PDF (graphics)"        "" "%%"      ""      
"vector"        "application/pdf"
 \Format pdf7       pdf    "PDF (cropped)"         "" "%%"      ""      
"document,vector"       ""
-\Format pdf8       pdf    "PDF (lower resolution)"         "" "%%"     ""      
"document,vector"       ""'''])
+\Format pdf8       pdf    "PDF (lower resolution)"         "" "%%"     ""      
"document,vector"       ""
+\Format pdf9       pdf    "PDF (docbook)"         "" "%%"       ""      
"document,vector,menu=export"   ""'''])
     checkViewer('a DVI previewer', ['xdvi', 'kdvi', 'okular',
                                     'evince', 'xreader',
@@ -930,6 +932,9 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
     checkProg('an Open Document (Pandoc) -> LaTeX converter', ['pandoc -s -f 
odt -o $$o -t latex $$i'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter odt3        latex      "%%"  ""' ])
+    checkProg('DocBook converter -> PDF (docbook)', ['pandoc -f docbook -t 
latex --latex-engine=lualatex --toc -o $$o $$i'],
+        rc_entry = [ r'\converter docbook5      pdf9      "%%" ""' ])
+    #
     checkProg('a MS Word Office Open XML converter -> LaTeX', ['pandoc -s -f 
docx -o $$o -t latex $$i'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter word2      latex      "%%"   ""' ])
     # Only define a converter to pdf6, otherwise the odt format could be
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