On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:46:01PM +0200, Martin Vermeer wrote:
> Look here:
> http://www.netby.net/Oest/Europa-Alle/vermeer/LyX-PR.txt
> Includes the effect of many of your comments up to now, but especially 
> those of Roland Krause. They really helped to make things sharper.
> (I even took some good ideas to their logical consequence :)
> Thanks to all of you!
> And keep the ideas coming.

It just keeps getting better (as they say).


Alejandro had a good point about making the PR shorter.
Unfortunately, looking through the doc, I can't really suggest pieces that
you'd want to delete.

Alejandro also had a good point about getting rid of the v0.10
ANNOUNCE language. I think over the past few iterations, that has basically
been done.

Allan had a good point about wanting a separate press release as opposed to
an ANNOUNCE. It seems to me, though, that you could get an ok (shorter)
press release just by removing most of the bottom part of the document.
I.e., you wouldn't need "What's New", "What about KLyX", or "Where do I get it"
(the lyx.org link is enough to start with). Ah. I just went back and saw in
a previous mail that you only mean this as an ANNOUNCE, not something to go
to a "real" magazine, and that you're planning on writing that later.

When you do write the magazine thing, I'd definitely take some ideas from
Larry's submission. While "drop everything and use LyX" might be a little
informal or sound biased, I think he had some good descriptions of LyX's
major features. I guess this PR assumes that people will know what a word
processor includes, so you don't need to say that it has footnoting &c, but
for a magazine article you'd of course need that. I'll stop saying things
everybody knows now :)

> Questions/musings:
> - Anybody doing the rpm? And where to post it? Refer to rufus?

*Someone* used to make rpm's. Was it Mate?

Oh yeah. You should also mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the RevTeX contact). And ask
Peter SÜtterlin the address for the AAPaper folks. And you probably know the
Springer contact (ejour2) since you wrote the Extended doc for it.
Jean-Marc, didn't you do some IEEE stuff recently? Anyway, for any of these
mails, it would be a good idea to include a "cover letter" saying that LyX
works with their LaTeX documentclass. If we could get just one of these
large science groups to suggest LyX to their users, we'd get a whole bunch
of new users. And I've always felt that clueless professors would be much
happier using LyX than hacking LaTeX ("what's a text editor?"). I actually
talked to the RevTeX guy a while ago. He said he had tried LyX and sounded
interested in a new version...


A couple minor grammar and spelling things (it's that sort of day). All are
IMO and (as you'll see) pretty minor.

In the line "LyX enables authors to concentrate on content and structure of
their text", I would write "...on the content and structure..."

I would remove the exclamation point at the end of the second paragraph.

You wrote "also" twice in the "ergonomic" paragraph.

You seem to suffer a bit from em-dash disease. I've got it too---I find
myself using them all the time---but some readers find it very
distracting.  For example, in the third paragraph you've got three of them.
I'd replace at least one with a colon or semicolon.

If we're assuming readers don't know LaTeX, then maybe you'd want to replace
"dvi or ghostview previews" with "page previews" or "print previews".

While I've come over to your side on the Microsoft paragraph, I still don't
really like the "price to pay" sentence. I don't know how much sense it
makes to people who aren't familiar with LyX, and it might imply that LyX is
more limited than we know it is.

I'm getting psyched for the release!


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