>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Martin> What we need really is not so much NUMERICALLY more classes
Martin> and layouts, but ways to tailor the ones we have in many small
Martin> ways. Like the "geometry" package does already for the margins
Martin> and the Allan Rae thing for bullet list symbols. But similar
Martin> things for section header formats, numbering, etc. etc.  We
Martin> have been making progress, but more is needed.

You should probably go hunting in the LaTeX Catalogue for such tools. 
I see it in two steps (1) a LaTeX package ans (2) support for LyX in
it. Having LyX directly output horrible code is not the way to go, IMO.

Martin> Currently I got article.cls patched (into fgiart.cls) but I am
Martin> lost as to how to change the bibliography layout. I got rid of
Martin> the item numbers (which I wanted) but not the [] symbols
Martin> around them. Any ideas?

You might want to check out cite.sty by Donald Arseneau, or one of the
numerous bibliography packages available through the above catalogue.


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