On 8 Feb 1999 08:36:19 +0900, Miyata Shigeru wrote:

>Please use double quotes rather than single quotes.
>latex "\batchmode\input{file.tex}"
>emTeX does support this but cmd.exe doesn't interpret single quotes
>BTW I have put OS/2 binary to devel.  It is mostly a complete
>package, but lacks README.bin  Will someone write a proper
>document and repackage it please?  Arnd Hanses?  I would also
>appreciate if you upload the new package to hobbes and leo to
>replace 0.12.0  Hobbes requires .zip format rather than .tar.bz2

I did not expect a binary coming out that fast. I would be pleased to
add something about OS/2 issues. Especially I will try to remember some
rather insane tweaks I had to do to get xdvi and gv to work correctly
with EmTeX and LyX; but this was long ago.... I remember that Ted
Sikora one mailed to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a note about a
preconfigured version of EmTeX he has made for this purpose. Perhaps he
could proofread my installation hints.

But before writing about things I do not know I better should try to
compile the binary myself; as I do not have access permission to
LyX/devel (please correct me if I am wrong) it may be necessary to get
binary and patched sources of LyX and xforms on a different way. If you
did not already delete them, perhaps you could mail them to me.
Unfortunately, because of recent mass storage shortage, for mail
accounts unforeseeable disk quota restrictions apply; i.e. extremely
large mail messages might be rejected. If returned mail is not a
problem you may just try.



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