The star wars trailer was released at *least* a few hours ago, and yet no
e-mail from Stefan?

The least you could have done, stef, was to notify me that it's in fact
coming out on May nineteenth, as I believe stefan had originally suggested
it would. This means that I really really really have to see it the day it
comes out, since the 20th evening is shavuot.

The trailer kicks some major butt. It's available at for
quicktime. There are also MPEGs available if you look hard. Warning: it's 25
meg. For those of you who never see movies, it might be worth checking it

This trailer is way different than the first; it's all about the large-scale
national stuff and barely touches on the vader (excuse me, anakin) stuff
that will of course be in the foreground (background?). I remain optimistic
that this thing is going to knock our socks off.


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