OK. This patch adds the nth root command, as well as a short section on math
text mode. Both are really short. For the math text mode thing, I basically
just used what you wrote at me, JMarc. Take a look at it and fix what you

--- CVS/lyxdoc/UserGuide.lyx    Thu Mar 11 13:22:02 1999
+++ UserGuide.lyx       Fri Mar 12 12:58:11 1999
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#This file was created by <rae> Fri Feb 26 14:34:10 1999
-#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
+#This file was created by <karger> Fri Mar 12 12:58:10 1999
+#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1998 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
 \lyxformat 2.15
 \textclass book
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 \layout Standard
-\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents
@@ -16084,6 +16084,31 @@
  inlined and display mode.
 \layout Standard
+It is possible to get an nth root symbol.
+ In the minibuffer, type 
+\family typewriter 
+math-insert root
+\family default 
+ This generates a root symbol with an extra box above the root sign.
+ Use 
+\family sans 
+\family default 
+ and 
+\family sans 
+\family default 
+ to move between the two boxes.
+ You may want to setup a keybinding for this symbol so that you don't need
+ to use the minibuffer.
+ (See 
+\emph on 
+\emph default 
+ for details.)
+\layout Standard
 In addition, the 
 \family sans 
@@ -17647,6 +17672,51 @@
 We do not have examples of these fonts in this Guide so that the Guide can
  be previewed and printed without these packages, which some people would
  not have available.
+\layout Subsection
+Math Text Mode
+\layout Standard
+Tyepfaces are useful for entering variable names in some given typeface,
+ but certainly not for anything else, and in particular not text.
+ For typing longer pieces of text, use math text mode, which is obtained
+ by typing 
+\family sans 
+M-m m
+\family default 
+ while already in math mode.
+ (The same command will get out of math text mode, too.) Math text mode outputs
+ its contents inside a 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+, and appears on the screen in black instead of blue.
+ You cannot enter punctuation or font changes in your text
+\begin_float footnote 
+\layout Standard
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ might have been a better choice
+, but it works for simple text.
+ Here's an example:
+\begin_inset Formula 
+x & \textrm{if I say so}\\
+-x & \textrm{otherwise}
 \layout Subsection
 Font Sizes

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