On Thu, Dec 10, 1998 at 11:03:34AM +0100, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> Hi!
> I know it's not Friday yet, but forgive me for wasting bandwidth
> with something as simple as bragging.

Well, the truth is, we wouldn't want to confine all of our bandwidth-wasting
to just one day. I think Friday is really more reserved for *rude* useless
e-mails. But the "Nothing Useful on the Lyx List" campaign can do better than
that! Thursday could be our bragging useless email day!

> Check out one of our competitions "milestone" chart, or "roadmap".
> http://www.abisource.com/spec_abiword/
> This time, we'll have a look at AbiWord.  It's a fine project, and I
> wish the best for them,

Which means something like:
"I wish the best for them, but if today were Friday, I wouldn't mind admitting
that I'd be happy to see their project utterly crushed, if it would help LyX
achieve world domination."

> but I just want to point out that although
> plenty of open source word processing projects are going on out there, 
> we are still among the leaders of the pack.

Woo-hoo! Not to forget that LaTeX is a lot of the reason why we're ahead. I'm
not at all disparaging us for doing this. We're actually exhibiting the
Wallian programmer's virtue of laziness here. Since the LaTeX folks did all
that work for us, why start over again? Which is also the beauty of open
source. But I digress. We were busy complimenting ourselves. Anyway, good
thinking, Matthias.

> New projects have a lot of technological advantages:  They can simply
> build on better technology:  Better toolkits, better programming
> languages (STL in C++ for instance), Corba, etc., etc.  All of these
> things have appeared and matured during the lifetime of LyX.

Agreed. I was thinking the same thing when discussing Perl vs. Python with
someone yesterday. Or C vs. FORTRAN. If you start 10 years later (esp. in the
computer world!) you can often build a similar tool with a much cleaner
kernel, which will then be more extensible.

> So if you want to join the train, go read one of those C++ tutorials
> and start hacking away.  Or grab that fine framework Etienne provided
> in Perl, and use it with the LyXServer to do an interactive graphical 
> tutorial.

<plea>Or work on reLyX! Fun for the whole family!</plea>

> Asger
> P.S. Of course such comparisions are highly unscientific and biased
> and unfair and annoying, but this is a LyX mailing list, so you will 
> ignore those minor details, and just feel good that you are among
> the leaders, and hopefully continue to be.  Especially if you take
> some time out of your calendar and keep the contributions coming!

Maybe Mate should set up [EMAIL PROTECTED]? OTOH, that would create
too high a risk of useful discussing on lyx-devel.


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