Hi LyXers,

many people (at least me :-) use labels like "e:xxx" for equations,
"c:intro" for chapters, "f:aCat" for figures etc. In the LyX dialog
"Insert Reference" they are all listed in the order they appear in the
text. But when I want to insert a figure ref, I don't want to see the
whole bunch of eqn labels and so on. One could imagine two ways to
improve things:

1) An option (check button) to sort the labels in the list
   based on the individual naming scheme. (easy)

2) A way to categorize labels from where they are (eqns, headings,
   figures, ...) and some radio buttons to only show the wanted
   category. (better, a bit more complicated)

With (2) one could also merge the citation and the reference dialogs
and handle citations just as another type of ref.

Any comments?

Have fun,


Fred Hucht, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Duisburg, Germany
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE/
"Der Koerper der algebraischen Zahlen ist kein algebraischer Zahlkoerper"
(E. Landau, Zahlentheorie (1927), Satz 718)

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