So Mate (or should I say "Máté :) sent me a file to reLyX. reLyX
(surprisingly!) didn't completely choke on it. Fortunately for me, a lot of
the issues it brings up have nothing to do with reLyX.

First, a small bug report. Open a doc, select Title layout, type 

    Line 1 C-Return
    Line 2 C-Return

Now go to layout character & select Tiny, to type something like "this line is
unimportant". Note that Line 1 & Line 2 now have less "height", so they
overlap each other rather unattractively. This doesn't happen when you have
text in Standard layout that's Huge followed by C-Return followed by tiny
text. I guess it may be because Title has a large default size? Oh yeah, it
also doesn't happen unless you have *two* lines. If you have just one large
line in the title followed by a tiny line, you don't get overlapping.
(However, that might be just a visual issue. It looks like the lines get
smaller in this case too.)

Now on to the larger issue. Mathed needs to support more AMS-LaTeX stuff.
People who use a lot of math are obvious candidates for switching to LyX.
However, mathed doesn't support a lot of the mathed environments, which means
they won't want to use it. Examples of these environments include align,
align*, and split. I'll admit I have no idea what they do, since I've never
used AMS. But AMS users probably do.

At the very least, mathed should understand equation*, which is exactly
equivalent to displaymath. The other environments are probably tougher to
support, because you would (?) need to have some WYSIWYG way of showing they
weren't regular equations, as well as a menu-driven way to toggle between
displaymath, align, etc. I guess this is all 1.1 stuff, although maybe
equation* could be 1.0.

Of course, maybe Alejandro will answer that for 1.0, I should just make reLyX
translate equation* to displaymath...


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