On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 12:33:06PM -0400, Amir Karger wrote:
> (2) Dzieko, can you see if things break when you try to set your language
> to, say, french?
No - it works very well:
export LANG=fr
export LC_ALL=fr_FR
export LANG=de
export LC_ALL=de_DE
protos:~/lyx-1.0.2pre1/po >rpm -q glibc 
protos:~/lyx-1.0.2pre1/po >rpm -q gettext

> Also, once you've translated to polish using relyx on the
> command line, are you able to edit etc. normally within lyx?
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but
here ya go:

(setup env for polish)
reLyX -f -o . $LYXDIR/reLyX/test.ltx
lyx test.lyx

and everything was all right.

> That is, are we
> sure that it's the "Import LaTeX" popup or some interface with the reLyX
> command that is causing the error? Is it possible that the polish menus
> somehow reference the wrong command? It looks like you translated the menus,
> so you should know :)
Yes I know ;-) but I've just translated english string to polish.
I'm not programming in C/C++, but can it be that one label in other language
breaks whole f**cking prog??? 8-O
You know - I'm not using reLyX :-), but sent bug report because somebody told
me that this happens. And it happens also for me, so it is not only my
'local' problem...

regards, Dzieko

Pawel Dziekonski, call me Dzieko          http://ozon.ch.pwr.wroc.pl/dzieko
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Bristol, ENGLAND  |  Wroclaw University of Technology, POLAND
Physical/Theoretical Chemistry  |                   Molecular Modelling Lab

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