On Fri, Apr 23, 1999 at 03:15:54PM +0200, Alain Castera wrote:
> I got some troubles with tables. 

Unfortunately, I only have some of the answers.

> you cannot select (b e h) but (b c d e f g h) like in plain text)
> It is also said that you can customize a given cell borders by setting
> the multicolumn option. This seems to work for top and bottom borders, not
> for vertical ones (the whole column is affected).

We could call this a missing feature, but basically it's a bug.

I *think* you can get around this by using the "extra" button in the table
popup. It allows you to add a "special multicolumn argument". Put your |'s
there, and although it won't be WYSIWYG, it will come out in the end.

> The second point is closely related to this, and describe a "feature",
> also I don't know where it is : I wanted to get 2 tables side by side in a
> table float (crazy, I agree), each one with a sub caption (see attached
> files). As I didn't succeed, I created one table, using multicolumn to
> play with the borders. The fact is that I got (I don't know how, playing
> with the table pop-up) a correct result for the first "subcaption, but not
> for the second (a border on the left remains, right disappears ok). Note
> that the result is "correct" in the output, not on the screen.


Alternatively, might subfigure.sty help with this?  Or is there maybe an
equivalent subtable package? This sounds more like a latex question.


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