>>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Amir> I said "nope, sorry." Kayvan then proceeded to write a perl
Amir> wrapper around reLyX (yup, a wrapper, around the wrapper :)
Amir> which pre- and post-processes noweb to generate legal LyX from
Amir> noweb. Not only that, but he *documented* it, by writing a lyx
Amir> noweb document that describes and includes the noweb converter!
Amir> Recursive *and* thorough!

It seems that literate programming guys are good at coding and
documenting their code... If it was not the case, people would ask
what's the point of literate programming ;)

Amir> So first, I'd like to thank him for enhancing reLyX instead of
Amir> just requesting a feature.

Me too.

Amir> More importantly, though I think we ought to include his
Amir> nwconvert in the lyx distribution. It consists of a perl script
Amir> that calls relyx, and the .lyx document. The all-important
Amir> question: where do we put it? I guess we could put both in the
Amir> reLyX directory. Or should nwconvert be installed wherever the
Amir> reLyX binary is? And does the document go in lib/doc/ or in the
Amir> reLyX directory? I can mention nwconvert in the reLyX man page,
Amir> but I need to know what to say.

I think this script should become part of the reLyX distribution, even
better, it might be possible to merge it with reLyX, now that the code
exists. Until then, it could be packaged and installed along with

It would probably be a good idea to find a name with 'lyx' in it,
though. 'nwconvert' looks like a very generic name to me...


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