On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 04:39:59PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Adam" == Adam Huffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Adam> Just tried to import a latex file with the latest pre-release
> Adam> and I'm still getting the same problem.  It starts to work but
> Adam> then the terminal from which I called LyX is filled with the
> Adam> following message:
> Adam> Got nothing when argument expected at
> Adam> /usr/local/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/TeX.pm line 838,
> Adam> <TeXOpenFile0007> chunk 330.
> Adam> and I have to kill the process.
> Adam> This is on a Red Hat 6.0 system with teTeX 0.9.
> Hello,
> What version of perl are you using? (you can type 'perl -v' to get
> this info).

Well, reLyX checks to make sure you're using a recent enough version. I
doubt this would be the problem.

We haven't had infinite error messages since the early days. Congratulations
on your bug find!

This sort of error happens when the parser thinks there's supposed
to be an argument to a command and there isn't. At least that's when it
should happen. And it still shouldn't happen infinitely!

Could you try running 'reLyX -d' the LaTeX file from the command line? That will
output a bunch of garbage describing every token in the file. Which ought to
tell you where the problem is occurring. That way, you can maybe just cut
out a small piece of the file which still causes the error, and send me that
smaller file.

(By the way, the error message says "chunk 330" which ought to mean that
the problem occurs somewhere near line 330. Unfortunately, that's line 330
of a temporary file (something like 'foo.relyx2') which is created after
removing the preamble. But that may give you a hint.)

-Amir Karger

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