
I like very much your product. My intent with the present contribution
is to help
you to locate some internal bug(s).

The #1 is:
(some screeen messages, plus the fragment that reproduces the error)
Math warning: Unexpected closing brace.
Math warning: Unexpected closing brace.
reLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date 1999/01/25

Reading LaTeX command syntax
(refg.tex: Splitting Preamble
Creating LyX preamble
Reading layout file
Cleaning... Translating... Writing... )
Deleting temp files
Finished successfully!

lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!
lyx: Attempting to save document /home/vj/ewa/docs/append.lyx as...
  1) /home/vj/ewa/docs/append.lyx.emergency
  Save seems successful. Phew.

[1]-  Aborted                 lyx

This was during the conversion. Then I tried to load the
created file:

$ lyx &
[3] 725
lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!

[3]+  Aborted                 lyx

So, below you might find the file that reproduces the error.
The change relative to the previous version is one table added,
see below:

\begin{table}[!htp] \centering
\caption{The built-in Al $K_\alpha$ [KC-93] and [SDM94] structure}
\row{Designation & Energy, rel[eV] & Intensity, rel[a.u.] &
\row{$\alpha_1$ & 0 & 1 & 0.58}\hline
\row{$\alpha_2$ & -0.413 & 0.5 & 0.58 }\hline
\row{$\alpha^\prime$ & +5.452 & 0.01928 & 1.3366 }\hline
\row{$\alpha_3$ & +9.526 & 0.07774 & 0.6922 }\hline
\row{$\alpha_3^\prime$ & +9.958 & 0.02373 & 0.6623 }\hline
\row{$\alpha_4$ & +11.71 & 0.06139 & 1.1557 }\hline


#2: just a beauty spot:

when one makes a table, exports for LaTeX, then imports for LyX,
then some \vspace, etc. LyX insert, are read back as LaTeX commands,
i.e.  a conversion there and back results in a different look on the LyX
Maybe these commands should be taken care of when converting back.

Thanks for the great job, again!

Janos Vegh
(I do not read the list, but using the product)

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