On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 10:14:20PM +0700, Haris Fauzi - 1293000132 wrote:
> Hi! I'm interested in translating LyX documentation to Bahasa.
> Can anybody help me where to start?
> I'm a computer science student, capable in programming in C/C++,
> and I have been using LyX since ver 0.12.


We're always happy to get new volunteers.

You can start off by reading http://www.devel.lyx.org/translation.html. That
document tells you to read DocStyle.lyx. (But make sure to get the latest
version from CVS, which has the new translators section.)

As far as the actual translating: translate the Tutorial first. Also
important at the beginning are Intro, the two example documents that go with
the Tutorial, and the "splash" document. Tutorial may take a while: the
other docs are quite short. (Obviously, if you have any energy left after
translating these, there's the User Guide and a bunch of other manuals to
work on.)

Translating style? This is all spelled out in DocStyle, but basically the
idea is to make a translation that (1) is in a non-formal style (2) doesn't
treat the user like an idiot OR assume the user is a genius (3) is clear.
You do *not* have to translate everything literally (and probably
shouldn't), but please remain accurate :)

(When you translate Tutorial, you're supposed to make a document called
"xx_Tutorial.lyx", where "xx" is the two-letter code for the language you're
translating into. I checked ISO 639 at
http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/iso639a.html and didn't find "Bahasa". Is it
the same as "Indonesian", id? Just curious.)

We haven't heard from anyone else in Indonesia, so if you're willing, you
can be promoted to the "Indonesian Translation Team Chief". I'm sure you'll
be excited about that. What it means is that I put your name and address in
the table in translation.html. That way, if any *other* Indonesians want to
work on translation, they will contact you first, so that you can organize
who works on what.

Send any other questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is the
Documentation mailing list.


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