On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Garst R. Reese wrote:

> A few weeks ago an old friend in Los Angeles called and asked if I could
> do a memorial book for her recently departed ex. She had a collection of
> his poetry and short stories and 30 old bw photos, mostly from France
> ca. WWII. She sent me a CD with the photos, and hand typed manuscripts.
> She had contracted with an LA printer to print the book.
> I formatted the poetry with LyX and arranged the photos, and ftp'd a
> zipped .ps file of 70MB from Prince Edward Island, Canada to LA
> California. The print house dumped it to their printer and were some
> impressed at the the quality of the typesetting. Thanks.

What about a small section of success stories in the (users) web site?

May I include the story of my Msci. Thesis? ;)



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