On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 05:06:25PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> Yes, on both counts (smart .layout files and extending LyX's capabilities
> -- think plugins).  But someone somewhere is likely to argue that they
> should be able to incorporate such an extension into a document -- or to
> have the ability to bundle local extensions with a document to share with
> others.  And thus we're faced with a potential macro-virus issue.

The reason macro viruses exist is that Micro$oft's Official Corporate
Policy is identical to the raison d'etre of the Borg.  The difference
between the two is that the Borg is technically adept, while Micro$oft
is mostly incompetent.

This is why you can take the M$ equivalent of a self-executing,
suid-root shell script, put it into a document, and have the M$
equivalent of Emacs or Ghostscript automatically execute that embedded
script as soon as the file is read.

My little analogy should demonstrate why "scripting language != Macro
Virus" in the Unix world.  Only a blithering idiot would intentionally
design a program to auto-execute anything whatsoever.  I'd like to
think that we on the LyX Team are not idiots.  ;)

Seriously, though, the easy way to deal with scripts/macros is to take
a lesson from the protocol world.  (I'm my employer's local expert on
SNMP, btw...)  Here are some ideas:

    1) There will be two kinds of scripts:  userspace/macro and

    2) User-scripts will be "walled-off" from the underlying OS.
       Example:  a user script can save an existing file, but cannot
       use save-as.  Hell, we could go one further and forbid saves,
       making instead a special save that keeps numbered backups a-la
       emacs (you did know that emacs can keep numbered backups,
       didn't you?).  Executing shell commands from a script would
       similarly be forbidden.  (Perhaps even executing one macro from
       another could also be forbidden?)

    3) LyX running suid-root cannot execute User-scripts.  Perhaps it
       should even be unable to write files...

    4) There shall not be any auto-execute mechanism for
       User-scripts.  They must be executed explicitly, either from
       within LyX or using a commandline option.  Commandline-executed
       scripts running LyX in its noninteractive mode would have
       additional restrictions.

    5) Config-scripts would be things like the .lyxrc, the bind files,
       the *.layout files, and special feature/extension scripts.

    6) This is where we take a lesson from the protocol world:  each
       class/type of Config-script would use a restricted version of
       the general scripting language we chose (whatever that ends up

       a) bind files, rc-files, and .layout files *cannot* write to
       b) bind files, rc-files, and .layout files *cannot* modify the

       ...and so on.

Sorry, the train is getting close to my stop.  I'll have to cut myself
off.  Tawk amongst yourselves.

John Weiss
On a train, someplace between Brewster and White Plains...

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