On 23 Sep 1999 15:33:51 +0200, Lars Gullik Bj°nnes wrote:

>I'm a little curious why you think that using inline funcs can help
>us not using heap mem.

        Stuff like this is unfortunately endemic e.g. in figinset.C:

  [VIP (do Very Important Processing here)]

  FOO *p = (FOO *)malloc(sizeof(FOO *));

  [VIP, not using p]

  while (1) {

    [VIP using p]

    if (BAR) break;

  [VIP, not using p]



        So you are better off extracting:

  static inline void 
VIPfunc(FOO *p) 
  while (1) {

    [VIP using p]

    if (BAR) break;


  [VIP (do Very Important Processing here)]

  [VIP, not using p]


>| >I will try to spell out my thoughs on figinset.C later, but in short:
>| >    Ditch It! De-couple figinset and insetfig. transformation of
>| >    eps (or others) into pixmap can be done by external programs.
>| aka toolkits, I suppose.
>if you consider gs a toolkit I suppose.

direct ghostview-like action is what LyX does now!
the TK should do this (and invoke gs) 

>| No problem to grab and forward summaries I can find.
>| >I'll give you write access to the cvs
>| >repository if you do this. (at least that part of the repository)
>| hmm... How can this save any work for anybody, compared with committing
>| a simple text via list? Do you really want to start to manage a mess of
>| accounts, sub-accounts, limited sub-accounts while re-organizing cvs?
>| Things will inevitably go wrong and users will get confused. Better
>| forget this idea ;-).
>If we are to have a document like that (or several) we need someone to
>maintain them. And I am not going to do that.
>And I have finished the cvs re-organizing. And we are now using access
>controll list to limit access to the different modules (and

I see. BTW cvs manual is frightening. So give me a little time to get
get accustomed to this beast before you let me break everything....

>| >You can even hunt in the mailing list archives to see if there has
>| >been any other nice mails that could go into a document like that.
>| The 'hunter' should preferably be the one who has at least a vague idea
>| that there was something interesting written about 'foo', so he would
>| know he has to search for 'foo': The author himself! We should just
>| 'help' him not to 'bury' things he has invested work in.
>So we should ask everybody that has ever posted on the list to see if
>they ever wrote anything interesting about foo? :-)

Well, at least we should ask those well known (notorious) writers of
long, important mails like Allan or this one (help! What am (was) I
thinking :-)


On Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:19:22 -0400, Amir Karger wrote:

>Do either of you have an archive [...] of the thoughts we had?


>If we are to have a document like that (or several) we need someone to
>maintain them. And I am not going to do that.

I'm a bit helpless how to maintain the 'thoughts you had' ;-) without
the necessary clues delivered by the 'thinkers'.



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