
ok, i'm still using lyx 1.0.1, which is a bit outdated, but maybe the
bug is present in newer versions also. it is easy to reproduce:

C-m ^ k [<-] [<-] \ a [BS] [BS]
                               ^ Crash here 
         ^ Cursor left    ^ Display goes weird here

it takes about a second, the text is emergency safed (though the
formula is messed up imho), and the following text is printed:

Math Error: This is not an inset[107]

lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known bugs'
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!
LyX: Versuche Speichern des Dokuments /export/home/merkur/ts/unbenannt.lyx als...
  1) /export/home/merkur/ts/unbenannt.lyx.emergency
  Speichern scheint gelungen zu sein. Glück gehabt!
zsh: IOT instruction (core dumped)  lyx

Backtrace is (no debugging, unfortunately):

#0  0xff216870 in _kill ()
#1  0xff1b92e0 in abort ()
#2  0x3b81c in __0FNerror_handleri ()
#3  <signal handler called>
#4  0x186a98 in __0fMMathedCursorIdoAccentP6LMathedInset ()
#5  0x1842a4 in __0fMMathedCursorOMacroModeClosev ()
#6  0x1844d0 in __0fMMathedCursorNMacroModeBackv ()
#7  0x17f8b0 in __0fMMathedCursorELefti ()
#8  0x11d358 in __0fMInsetFormulaNLocalDispatchiPCc ()
#9  0xc83bc in __0fHLyXFuncIDispatchiPCc ()
#10 0xc6eb0 in __0fHLyXFuncPprocessKeyEventP6H_XEvent ()
#11 0x1cef60 in __0fHLyXViewZKeyPressMask_raw_callbackP6Gforms_PvT ()
#12 0xff2b7fac in do_interaction_step ()
#13 0xff2b8a48 in fl_treat_interaction_events ()
#14 0xff2b8a98 in fl_check_forms ()
#15 0x3ebd0 in __0fGLyXGUIHrunTimev ()
#16 0x35f54 in __0oDLyXctPiPPc ()
#17 0x35458 in main ()

about my system:

it is a sun ultra 1, running solaris 2.7. the lyx 1.0.1 binary i'm
using is the one from www.sunfreeware.com, which also includes the
necessary libraries. german nationalisation.

PS: lyx is great, but one feature is missing: scaling images. say you
want 50% of the original .eps size, there's no way to do that. maybe
you can add a button...

                    Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      (C) Copyright 1999 by Thomas Steffen, not to be forwarded

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