On 12 Oct 1999 15:23:04 +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>Keith> macro-expanding the commands 
>Do you know that the math editor already supports user-defined macros?
>Having complete macro support would of course be good, but it is not
>Keith> some other things that would be nice are support for
>Keith> caligraphic letters (\cal) 
>Try 'M-c e' (the same as emphasize)
>Keith> and support for \mbox in math mode.
>Keith> often i want plain text in equations, as opposed to math
>Keith> symbols embedded in plain text, and it wasn't obvious how to do
>Keith> that in lyx.
>Try 'M-m m' (the command to switch into math mode).

What about simply pasting such non-obvious things turning up on the
list by and by into a short lyx-magics.faq? 

Don't think it would be much work, but of enormous use! Aren't you a
bit tired by question repetition? The only problem is that it has to be
done by somebody well accustomed to LyX. Others may take it up and edit
it then; don't worry a second about the form as long as there is
*correct* info in it. Such thing is really missing, and the mail-lists
won't help if you don't know what keyword to search for!



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