Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Garst" == Garst R Reese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Garst>  This is showing up typing in doc type letter when I type my
> Garst> middle initial. I presume it is supposed to be ERT. I can bkspc
> Garst> over it and type a period and goes away, but I suppose then the
> Garst> spacing is not correct for purists. Garst testing lyx-devel
> Huh? Could you describe more precisely what you are doing? Do you have
> a kbmap set up?
> JMarc
I was just using Document Layout letter to write a letter. In the from
address and the signature, when I hit the period in Garst R. Reese, I
got \.{32}.
There was a lot of discussion of the correct spacing in this case on the
list, so I assumed that some fix had gone in that is not quite working.
I updated my cvs checkout and tried again. Now when I type the period
nothing happens until I type it again. Then a period shows on screen and
the ps view is correct.
To complicate matters, I updated gcc from 2.95.1 to 2.95.2
Ah, I just reproduced, but it is very strange that if I fix it it does
not come back. File attached.
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Garst R

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