On Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 04:54:41AM +0000, Umut Sezen wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I found a bug in the LaTeX import section of LyX (version
> 1.1.2).
> The bug is it can not import "dotless i" charecter (which is \i) from
> a LaTeX source file. In order to test, please try the following two
> files:
> File 1:
> -----
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \begin{document}
> \noindent
> Test \i test \\
> Test \i\ test \\
> Test {\i}test \\ %Equivalent to the first line
> Test {\i} test   %Equivalent to the second line
> \end{document}

OK. There are at least two problems here.

1) When saying that LaTeX \i should be converted to LyX \i, the reLyX source
code says:

    # \i and \j are used in accents. LyX doesn't recognize them in plain
    #    text. Hopefully, this isn't a problem.

Well, apparently it is a problem.

I'm going to need a LyX person to tell me what I should be translating a
non-accented \i to, though.

2) "\i test" is getting translated to \itest. That's definitely wrong.
Hopefully, an answer to #1 will help figure out what to do with this. (We
could just translate "\i" to "\i ", but I don't know if that's right.

3) (OK, three problems). Stuff like "foo {bar} blah" doesn't get translated
well by reLyX. Whitespace is Hard. So basically pairs of braces sitting in
normal text just get discarded. I can't really think of a general solution
of what to do with them.... I guess we could say that when you find a '}',
you should ensure that there's some space after it. But I'm not sure how
well that would work. This problem is mentioned in BUGS, btw, although not
in this context.

> File 2:
[snipped. See problem #1 above, which has a rather interesting effect in
this case.]

-Amir Karger

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