On 22-Dec-1999 Allan Rae wrote:
> Juergen, what version of STLport did you try with 2.7.2? 

Oh I cannot remember but the ChangeLog file tells me:

> The following changes were made since 3.2 release:

So I gues 3.2.x :)

> BTW, welcome back and thanks for fixing the table crash so quickly.
> There are a couple other weird table bugs you might like to fix if you
> need something to do over the Christmas period ;-)

Oh I don't know about other tabular problems, could you tell me what
you mean?

> Merry Christmas everybody!  I'm sure many of you will be having a white
> Christmas, it looks like I'll be having a wet Christmas.  Extra incentive
> to play on the computer.  I've just bought the computer a Christmas
> present actually, two new heatsinks to help it go extra fast or at least
> stay a little cooler when it's +33C ambient.

Merry Christmas everybody from me too and yes we will have (more or less)
white Christmas (-5 degrees this site of the world right now :)

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienstr. 13/N                      Tel:    +39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen                         Fax:    +39-0471-450296
ITALY                                 Web:    http://www.sad.it/~jug



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