Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>> "Ben" == Ben Cazzolato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ben> I have a problem with the latex that Lyx is generating, in
> Ben> particular the following command which is found in the first few
> Ben> lines: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> That's a bug in pdfslides (or in your setup), then. T1 encoding is
> considered as the new standard, and should definitively work.
> Ben> With this command present the fonts are dreadful. Without,
> Ben> they're great!!! I can overcome the problems with the fonts by
> Ben> issuing the command \usepackage{pslatex} but I'd still like to
> Ben> know if it possible to remove the fontenc command??
> Change the fontenc setting (don't remember the name) in your lyxrc
> file. This is not a document-level setting.

I suspect it is a problem with the fonts provided as part of standard Latex 
installations and not a bug in pdfslide (I am assuming here we're talking 
about PDF output):

With font encoding OT1 the Computer Modern cmr* fonts are used, while with 
font encoding T1 the newer ecmr* fonts are used. The problem then arises when 
PDF output is produced: *bitmapped* fonts in PDF files look *very bad* when 
viewed with the Acrobat Reader or Ghostview. Only vector fonts (as in 
Postscript Type1) look good.

With modern tetex distributions you get a good set of Type1 fonts for the 
standard Computer Modern fonts but not for the ecmr* fonts! Hence the problems 
with PDF output when using font encoding T1. \usepackage{pslatex} uses, of 
course, Type1 fonts and so is OK.

So what is needed is proper Postscript Type1 fonts for the ecmr* tex fonts.

Horst Kausch

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