Karl Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| > On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 11:47:55 +1000 (GMT+1000), Allan Rae wrote:
| > 
| > >The first draft of libsigc++ integration uses a slightly modified version
| > >of the libsigc++ configure.in in the sigc++ directory.  Hmmm, does NT let
| > >you have a directory called "sigc++"?  What about OS/2?
| > 
| > OS/2-HPFS (the standard): yes, the old DOS-compatibility system (FAT):
| > no.
| > But there may exist obscure old file/directory management software that
| > has problems.
| > 
| > So, any reason not to use libsigcxx or libsigcpp?
| The library itself is called libsigc.a because automake
| > restrictions.

automake has small problems with naming a lib f.ex:

lib_LTLIBRARIES = libc++thread.la
libc__thread_la_SOURCES = <your sources>

Will give you a lib called "libc++thread.la"

"++" is no problem.


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