I know a couple of people showed interest in the new revtex4 layout, which
supports the American Physical Society's new RevTeX 4. Unfortunately (see
previous emails) I haven't got time to fix it, but I note that they're now
up to beta 3, and have fixed some things (for example, a typo in one of the
command names!) It would be great if someone could update the revtex4.layout
file to work with beta 3. 

APS is going to switch officially to RevTeX 4 soon (for certain definitions
of soon), and I think they'll be making a big push to have more authors
write papers using it. It's entirely possible that they would recommend LyX
to their authors if it worked well, which could lead to a big jump in the
user base (and can IEEE, AAS, et al. be far behind?). As Mike R. said, I
think better \cite support is about the only thing missing.


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