On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 02:40:06PM +0100, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> I have difficulties to contact www.lyx.org and www.devel.lyx.org for a
> couple of days now. All DNS servers around insist that these are non-existent
> domains. On the other hand I found that www.lyx.*com* is registered by
> someone I don't know (Start.co.uk PLC).
> That's a bit peculiar, isn't it?
> Andre'

'Peculiar' is not the word I would use. It's called cybersquatting.

In a way, it is good news. The slimeballs of the world have noticed LyX 
and are creeping out of their holes.

We should have registered the LyX trademark. Unfortunately that costs.
Here in Finland US$200. I believe that under new US legislation, you can
use your trademark against cybersquatters. Dunno about UK -- but I suppose
for .com domains US law applies.

Martin Vermeer [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone +358 9 295 55 215   Fax +358 9 295 55 200
Finnish Geodetic Institute    Geodeetinrinne 2    FIN-02430 Masala FINLAND

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