It seems the devel web page is sort of out of date...

What work is currently being done on GUI independence ? I understand
major changes to the core code have made this easier, but the frontends
directory is empty and the lyx-devel module on CVS doesn't seem to have
any abstraction from xforms (sorry, I hate xforms) ...

Has this got beyond the high-level stuff in Asger's (out of date ?) paper
on devel web page ?

I would definitely be interested in helping out with this as it's the only
thing I don't like about LyX :)

Oh and another thing : you are using ghostscript for the figure insets,
yes ? Well how difficult would it be to embed gs output for the whole
document inside a LyXView ? That would be v. nice as you could just
add "Preview mode" which can be updated in much the same way as it is
currently, except there's no clutter with separate windows ...

sorry if all this is FAQ but the devel web page is a little sketchy :)


"History is the slaughter-bench at which the happiness of peoples, the
 wisdom of states and the virtue of individuals have been sacrificed."
        - Hegel

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