It appears that somebody at/for Springer (Patrick Daly?) has been working
hard. There is now a generic package "SVJour" for LaTeX2e serving a large
range of journals!

I am especially happy about this as I was in the belief that Springer
had given up on LaTeX. Apparently not. Or perhaps the penguin roared 
at them. Or (I want to be optimistic) they found out that trying to 
integrate e-publishing with paper publishing, as they are doing like
all the others, doesn't repond well to Microsoft solutions ;-)

The journals are (cut 'n paste):

LaTeX2e support

   Springer Verlag has developed TeX and LaTeX macro packages for the
   different journals. The latest result is our modular LaTeX2e document
   class SVJour, which provides modules for the journals
     * Acta Informatica (actinf)
     * Annales Geophysicae (agp)
     * Archive for Mathematical Logic (matlog)
     * Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (arma)
     * Calcolo (calcolo)
     * Communications in Mathematical Physics (cmp)
     * Computing and Visualization in Science (cvs)
     * Decisions in Economics and Finance (def)
     * Distributed Computing (dc)
     * Granular Matter (granma)
     * International Journal on Digital Libraries (ijodl)
     * International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (ijdar)
     * Inventiones mathematicae (invmat)
     * Journal of Geodesy (jog)
     * Journal of Mathematical Biology (matbio)
     * manuscripta mathematica (manmat)
     * Mathematical Biology (matbio)
     * Mathematical Programming (mathprog)
     * Mathematische Annalen (matann)
     * Mathematische Zeitschrift (matzei)
     * Numerische Mathematik (nummat)
     * Probability Theory and Related Fields (prothe)
     * Shock Waves (sw)
     * Software Concepts & Tools (sct)
     * Structural Optimization (stropt)
     * Software Tools for Technology Transfer (sttt)
     * The European Physical Journal (A-D) (epj)

web site:

E.g. for Journal of Geodesy you just use


Obviously we should replace the ejour2 cludge by support for this.
Should not be too hard, based on ejour2. At the same time, we get
support for a large number of journals!

Only practical problem: I HAVE NO TIME. Mortgages to pay and all that
stuff. Having a daytime job is nice, but absorbs an incredible amount
of time and effort :-)


Martin Vermeer [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone +358 9 295 55 215   Fax +358 9 295 55 200
Finnish Geodetic Institute    Geodeetinrinne 2    FIN-02430 Masala FINLAND

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