Am Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006 01:51 schrieb Uwe Stöhr:

> So my proposal: Today is sunday, you all have a phone, it is cheap on 
> sundays, and everybody should have half an hour for a small conference; 
> so speak about the things. This will help a lot, this is my experience.

Won't work for me, I'll be out to enjoy the nice whether soon.

> 2. We don't have a release plan.

That is indeed a problem.
> I helped various people with writing their thesis, report or whatever 
> with LyX and speaking from the users point of view: It is more important 
> to have a stable release than a release with many new features that is 
> unstable. LyX 1.4.0 was a release with lots of bugs and regressions that 
> many users annoyed. The most annoying bugs were fixed with LyX 1.4.2 and 
> from this time time on I felt save enough to promote it.

Then you are a bit more brave than I am. I am about to make my private 1.4 
branch the default version at work just now. The lecture notes for this 
semester where still done with 1.3.7, because export from 1.4 without the 
image cache is far too slow.

> So to have a new features published in a stable version it might be 
> faster to do it in two release steps because in every step only a small 
> code base is changed and less bugs can be introduced.
> I don't know what to do for LyX 1.5svn but for the next release we 
> should focus on less features but release more often.

Then you have to convince people not to rip apart big parts of the code 
between releases.


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