> Ben> Guys Found the problem. Think it's a bug in Lyx. The only way I
> Ben> can get it to view the latex log file is by starting lyx in the
> Ben> directory in which my file resides. Generally I launch lyx from
> Ben> the desktop icon which starts Lyx in my home dir and therefore it
> Ben> can't see the log file. Maybe the solution is to use full paths
> Ben> or check where the log file is being written to.
> Ben> Below is the output from "strace lyxgdb >trace.out 2>&1"
> Ben> stat("lyx_tmp9978aaa", 0xbffff234) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
> Ben> directory) access("lyx_tmp9978aaa", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such
> Ben> file or directory) stat("./", {st_mode=0, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
> Ben> access("./", W_OK) = 0 stat("./elba-sim-letter.log", 0xbffff360)
> Ben> = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> Ben> stat("./elba-sim-letter.none.out", 0xbffff360) = -1 ENOENT (No
> Ben> such file or directory) 
> Do you have an idea where these .none.out come from? Are they in the
> name of your file? Which version of LyX did you say you are using?
> There is a fix in 1.1.4fix2 which affects files witrh dots in their
> names.

Nope, I have no idea where it came from.  The file is called elba-sim-letter.lyx

I'm currently using lyxgdb-1.1.4-fix3.i386.rpm from Kayvans web site.


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